The Premature Ejaculation Course- Helping You Slow Down

PE can be super distressing, but the end of the world?
No way!
This course is for any penis owner who wants to fix their Premature Ejaculation.

Let's talk about arriving early...

Premature Ejaculation (PE), a topic that comes up often for penis owners and their partners. It can be super distressing… but doesn't have to be the end of the world.

 At the end of the day, it’s best to try and fix premature ejaculation, so you can have a sense of control of your body. 

You can fix your PE all by yourself.  And this course will show you how. 

Let me show you how to overcome Premature Ejaculation in this course!

What is Premature Ejaculation?

A lot of people assume it is when a penis owner ejaculates in under a minute, but it is actually when they cannot keep themselves from ejaculating before they want to. It is therefore a complex in the brain, and not the penis. Premature ejaculation is also different to erectile dysfunction (ED), when a penis loses its hardness. But often, PE ties into ED when the penis owner has ejaculated, they lose their erection and don't continue the sexual experience. 

This course is not just going to help you manage your PE, but also learn that there is much more to sexuality than just penetration and orgasm. Sex is really about a journey, a journey to connection, satisfaction and pleasure. 

Premature ejaculation occurs when a penis owner ejaculates earlier than they intend to. More specifically, three criteria are used to define PE:

  • The time period between penetration and ejaculation (also called the latency period) is shorter than desired.
  • Penis owners feel they cannot control when they will ejaculate.
  • They feel distressed about having premature ejaculation.

When considering PE, it is helpful to have realistic expectations. Typically, the normal time to ejaculation is between 5 and 7 minutes.

PE is sometimes classified as lifelong (you have always had PE) or acquired (it has come on after having a period of controlled ejaculation time).

As the term suggests, those with lifelong PE have struggled with early ejaculation since their first sexual experience.

By learning to control ejaculation, you can prolong the sexual experience, leading to greater satisfaction for you and your partner.

This course can help reduce sexual performance anxiety, which is often a contributing factor to premature ejaculation.

Master effective strategies to manage premature ejaculation, enhancing your sexual confidence and creating lasting, fulfilling connections..

This course will explain:

  • Premature Ejaculation, what is it?
  • What is normal?
  • Lifelong or acquired?
  • Other risk factors
  • Does circumcision affect PE?
  • Changes with ages
  • Emotional reactions to sex
  • Myths to bust about PE
  • What is suggested online that DEFINITELY doesn’t work
  • What ACTUALLY works. Let me give you  the recipe
  • Recognising the premonitory sensation (the point just before the ‘point of no return)
  • A home-play schedule to make you and your penis happy. Follow these instructions to get your ejaculation under control 
  • Tips and techniques
  • How to get your partner onboard (if you have a sexual partner)
  • An 8 week challenge
  • What is next?

Purchase Package

1 Payment of $110.00 USD

Benefits of this course:

  • Comprehensive Understanding of PE
  • Boost in Self-Esteem and Assurance 
  • Alleviation of Performance Concerns
  • Strengthened Partner Bonding 
  • Expert Advice and Support
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Purchase Package

4 Payments of $27.50 USD per month

Benefits of this course:

  • Enhanced Pleasure and Intimacy
  • Confidence in Sexual Encounters 
  • Stress Reduction in Sexual Situations
  • Deeper Relationship Connection
  • Access to Professional Insights
  • Sustainable Improvement in Sexual Health
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